The City of San Bernardino provides electronic copies of environmental documents for public review as described in the public notices prepared for the project. This is consistent with Assembly Bill 209 requiring a public agency to provide the public with a location in obtaining an electronic copy of the environmental document under review. The environmental documents listed below have been prepared and are now available for public review. The public review period ends at 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the Review Period.
All comments for the below projects should be provided in writing to the City Planner, and received by staff before the end of the public review period. Written comments should be sent via mail to:
City of San Bernardino Community Development & Housing Planning Division 290 North D Street San Bernardino, CA 92401
Please include the project name/number in all correspondence.
Project EIRs and Negative Declarations:
09/17/2024 5th & Sterling Project Notice of Availability
(Draft) Environmental Impact Report (Part 1) (Draft) Environmental Impact Report (Part 2)
Appendix A - Initial Study-NOP-NOP Comments Appendix B - FAA Determination Appendix C1 - Air Quality Impact Analysis Appendix C2 - Health Risk Analysis Appendix D - Biological Resources Assessment Appendix E - Cultural Resources Evaluation Appendix F - Energy Analysis Appendix G1 - Geotechnical Evaluation Appendix G2 - Infiltration Testing Appendix H - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis Appendix I - Phase I ESA Appendix J1 - Preliminary Drainage Report Appendix J2 - WQMP Appendix K - Noise Impact Analysis Appendix L1 - Traffic Impact Analysis Appendix L2 - VMT Analysis Appendix M - Engineering Analysis Report Appendix N - Site Lighting Plan Appendix O - Sanitary Sewer Memorandum
07/03/2024 University Hills Specific Plan (Amendment) (Draft) University Hills Specific Plan Appendix A - Glossary Of Terms Appendix B - Landscape Plant Palette Appendix C - General Plan Consistency Analysis Appendix D - Geologic Studies Appendix E - Conceptual Elevations And Floor Plans Appendix F - Addendum To The EIR Appendix G - Fire Behavior Report
Final EIR Addendum Mitigation Monitoring And Reporting Program Appendix A - AQ & GHG Emissions Technical Study Appendix B - Biological Resources Technical Report Appendix C - Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment Appendix D - Traffic Impact Analysis
06/28/2024 Cajon Creek Consolidated Quarry Reclamation Plan (SP 23-02 & CUP 23-11)
EIR Addendum (to 1993 and 2010 EIRs) Reclamation Plan
Draft EIR - Calmat / Cajon Creek Specific Plan and Reclamation Plan (December 1991) Final EIR - Area Q Quarry (August 2010)
4/17/2024 Olivos Otay Truck Parking Facility (DP-P 22-05)
General Biological Resource Assessment (BRA) Cultural Resources Study Noise Impact Analysis Vehicles Miles Travel Screening Assessment
4/10/2024 5th & Sterling Project (DP-D 23-13) Notice of Preparation Initial Study
03/08/2024 Chipotle Drive-Thru (CUP 23-06) Traffic Impact Analysis
03/08/2024 Starbucks Drive-Thru (CUP 23-10) Traffic Impact Analysis VMT Memorandum
03/08/2024 Quick Quack Car Wash (CUP 23-17) Traffic Memorandum Noise Impact Analysis
2/10/2024 Amazing 34 Distribution Center Project
01/29/2024 2021-2029 Housing Element Addendum to Final EIR
12/07/2023 Northgate Building 2 Categorical Exemption Appendices Notice of Exemption
11/1/2023 Hardt & Brier Business Park Project Hardt & Brier Final Mitigated Negative Declaration 2.7.2024 New FINAL MND 4.9.2024 Response to Comments Appellant SAFER Comments Updated Appellant SAFER Comments 4.9.2024 Appendix A - Air Quality, Energy and Greenhouse Gas Impact Analysis Appendix B - General Biological Assessment (GBA) Appendix C - Cultural Resources Assessment Appendix D - Geotechnical Investigation Appendix E - Paleontological Report Appendix F - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Appendix G - Preliminary WQMP Appendix H - Preliminary Drainage & Hydrology Report Appendix I - Noise and Vibration Impact Analysis Appendix J - Transportation Impact Analysis Updated Applicant Comments (06.24.2024)
09/19/2023 SB Gateway Business Park Response to Comments (Draft) Initial Study / Mitigated negative Declaration Appendix A1 - Air Quality Report Appendix A2 - Health Risk Assessment Appendix B - Biological Resources Technical Report Appendix C - Cultural Resources Study Appendix D - Energy Analysis Report Appendix E1 - Geotechnical Report Appendix E2 - Paleontological Resources Assessment Appendix F - Greenhouse Gas Analysis Appendix G1 - Phase I ESA Appendix G2 - Phase II ESA Appendix G3 - Soil Removal Plan Appendix H1 - Hydrology Study Appendix H2 - Preliminary WQMP Appendix I - Noise Study Appendix J1 - VMT Analysis Appendix J2 - Traffic Analysis Appendix J2 (Appendix) - Traffic Analysis (Appendix)
8/23/2023 Everhome Suites Exhibit 1 - Focused Traffic Analysis Exhibit 2 - Noise Impact Analysis Exhibit 3 - Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Assessment Exhibit 4 - Parking Evaluation (Final)
6/26/2023 5705 Industrial Parkway Project Draft Initial Study / Mitigate Negative Declaration Appendix A - Air Quality, Energy and Greenhouse Gas Analysis Appendix B - Habitat Assessment Appendix C - Cultural Resources Assessment Appendix D - Geotechnical Investigation Appendix E - Paleontological Report Appendix F - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Appendix G - Preliminary WQMP Appendix H - Preliminary Drainage Report Appendix I - Noise and Vibration Impact Analysis Appendix J - VMT Screening Analysis MMRP
4/27/2023 Alliance California Gateway South Building 9 Project Final Initial Study / Mitigate Negative Declaration Draft Initial Study / Mitigate Negative Declaration - Final Appendix A - Air Quality Assessment Appendix B - Health Risk Assessment Appendix C - Biological Resources Technical Report Appendix D - Cultural Resources Assessment Appendix E - Energy Assessment Appendix F - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Appendix G - Greenhouse Gas Analysis Appendix H - Preliminary Hydrology Calculations Appendix I - Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan Appendix J - Noise Appendix K - Traffic Impact Analysis
12/12/2022 Airport Gateway Specific Plan Airport Gateway Specific Plan (AGSP) Draft EIR AGSP Draft EIR Cover & Table of Contents Appendix 1 Air Quality Report Appendix 2a Biological Resources Assessment Report Appendix 2b Biological Resources Assessment Jurisdictional Delineation Report Appendix 3a Cultural Reconnaissance Appendix 3b Cultural Report Appendix 3c Cultural Addendum Appendix 4 Energy Analysis Appendix 5 USDA Soil Map Appendix 6 Greenhouse Gas Analysis Appendix 7 Geo Tracker Appendix 8a Preliminary Hydrology Report Appendix 8b 2022 Consumer Confidence Report Appendix 9 Noise Study Appendix 10 Model / Conceptual Relocation Plan Appendix 11a Draft Traffic Impact Study Appendix 11b VMT Analysis Appendix 12 AB52 Letters AGSP NOA & NOC
12/10/2022 4200 N. University Parkway Project
Final Mitigated Negative Declaration Final MMRP (Draft) Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration Appendix 4.3 - CalEEMod Air Quality Output Sheets Appendix 4.6 - Energy Calculations Appendix 4.8 - CalEEMod Greenhouse Gas Output Sheets Appendix 4.13 - Noise Outputs Appendix 4.17 - Traffic Impact Analysis
09/26/2022 9th Street and Tippecanoe Avenue Warehouse Project Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (Draft) Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration Appendix A - Air Quality, Health Risk, GHG, and Energy Impact Analysis Appendix B - General Biological Assessment Appendix C - Cultural Resources Assessment Appendix D - Paleontological Resources Assessment Appendix E - Geotechnical Investigation Appendix F - Phase I ESA Appendix G - Preliminary WQMP Appendix H - Preliminary Hydrology Report Appendix I - Noise Impact Analysis Appendix J - VMT Screen Analysis Appendix K - MMRP 09/10/2022 Belmont and Olive Residential Subdivision Project Draft Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration w/ Appendices Final Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration MMRP Response to Comment
07/13/2022 Downtown Specific Plan - Public Notice of Intent Public Notice of Intent
05/11/2022 Warmington Residential - Medical Center Drive Project (Draft) Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration Appendix A - Air Quality and GHG Technical Memorandum Appendix B - Biological Habitat Assessment Appendix C - Geotechnical and Infiltration Evaluation Appendix D - Preliminary Drainage Report Appendix E - Preliminary WQMP Appendix F - Noise Assessment Technical Memorandum Appendix G - VMT Screening Analysis
05/11/2022 Warmington Residential - Palm Project (Draft) Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration Appendix A - Air Quality and GHG Technical Memorandum Appendix B - Biological Habitat Assessment Appendix C - Geotechnical and Infiltration Evaluation Appendix D - Phase I ESA Appendix E - Phase II ESA Appendix F - Preliminary Drainage Report Appendix G - Preliminary WQMP Appendix H - Noise Assessment Technical Memorandum Appendix I - VMT Screening Analysis
04/09/2022 Alliance California Gateway South Building 8 Project (Draft) Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration Appendix A - Air Quality Assessment Appendix B - Health Risk Assessment Appendix C - Biological and Aquatic Resources Constraints Analysis Appendix D - Cultural Resources Assessment Appendix E - Energy Data Appendix F - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix H - Limited Phase II ESA Appendix I - Hydrology & Hydraulic Calculations Appendix J - Final WQMP Appendix K - Acoustical Assessment Appendix L - Traffic Impact Analysis
02/09/2022 Amazing 34 Distribution Center Project
Response to Comments
04/09/2022 Industrial Parkway Project
(Final) Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration (Draft) Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration
Response to Comments Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Appendix A - Air Quality / Energy / GHG Analysis Appendix B - Health Risk Assessment Appendix C - General Biological Assessment Appendix D - Phase I Cultural & Paleo Resources Assessment (Please inquire with a Planner) Appendix E - Geotechnical Investigation Appendix F - Phase I ESA Appendix G - Phase II ESA Appendix H - Preliminary WQMP Appendix I - Preliminary Drainage Report Appendix J - Noise Impact Report Appendix K - Traffic Impact Report Appendix L - VMT Screening Analysis Appendix M - Comments Letter
04/05/2022 San Bernardino CNG Fueling Station Project (Draft) Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration Final Initial Study & Mitigated Negative Declaration